For kitten updates, follow my page on Facebook: Anjayma Maine Coons

Angela Watson
Anjayma Tonkinese & Maine Coons
ANCATS Member 8340
PER Source No. RB100383
Breeding is my vocation, and I've been doing it in some form for most of my life, starting with Finches at 7 yo.
I began breeding & showing Tonkinese cats in 2006, having previously bred & shown Miniature Longhaired Dachshunds for 22 years. In 2014 I bought my first Maine Coon queen and began breeding those as well as Tonkinese. In 2022, I decided to retire from breeding Tonkinese and concentrate solely on my Maine Coons.
I generally have around 10 breeding cats, from UK, USA, NZ and Australian lines. I try to import a cat from overseas every couple of years, to keep my cattery's gene pool large.
Maine Coon kittens are usually available throughout the year, for pets, showing and breeding.
I'm located in Barkly, Victoria. Kitten buyers [or those considering purchasing from me and wanting to view my adults] can visit the farm in Barkly if they wish, but I generally set up kitten viewings in Melbourne. Viewings to choose your kitten are at 9 weeks old, and kittens leave at 12-13 weeks old.
I can ship interstate or overseas if required.